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Page 5


  “How did you know I’m from the mountains?”

  “Went with the man to visit your people. Saw you.”

  “Olly was at my grandfather’s place?”

  “Going from the mountain tip to bring a horse back.”

  Oh. Gramps raised horses, so that wasn't so strange really.

  “You were leaving with your parents. Got into the car. I didn’t recognize you when you first came here, but now I do. Why are you here?”

  I blinked and realized his tirade had ended with a question.

  “I came for him,” I whispered. “He hurt, so I came for him.”

  “Guessed so.”

  “Have you told him about me?”



  “He hasn’t asked.”

  I laughed out loud at the simplicity of his reasoning.

  “Why haven’t you told him?”

  I thought about being evasive but it just felt wrong, so I told him the truth instead.

  “I should have, but I was afraid. Too much time have passed now and I’ll lose him when I do.”


  No? That was it?

  “I have to go now, he’s calling out to me, wondering where I am and why the fuck I have disappeared.”

  I blinked again at his unexpected use of the f-bomb because he had a precise way of speaking and a hint of an accent which reminded me of how English butlers sounded in the movies.

  “That’s not a nice word,” I scolded gently.

  “It’s the one he used,” the bird said with a distinct smirk in his voice.

  “Yeah,” I sighed because Olly would have used that particular crudity.

  “I help him, you help him. He will be fine.”

  Then he flew off without another word and I stared in surprise after him. I knew people could communicate with various animals, I talked to dragonflies myself, didn't I? Most of my family had similar abilities, and we'd never questioned the legacy, but we all thought it was hereditary. Maybe it wasn't? I'd have to investigate this a little bit more, I decided, and walked back to my bike, wishing for the millionth time I still had someone to talk to.

  I drove down the mountain slowly, enjoying the fresh air and my happiness. Someone was quietly whistling a happy tune as I passed the barn, and I stopped to listen with a warm, sweet feeling in my belly.

  “Dude,” Mac muttered.

  “What?” Olly replied.

  “You’re whistling.”


  “Didn’t know you could.”

  “Not exactly rocket science.”

  There was a long silence and I heard them shuffle around inside.

  “Sounded happy,” Mac said slowly, clearly trying to judge Olly's mood without getting punched in the face. He was met with another long silence, so he tried again. “You're ok, man?”

  “Yup,” Olly said.

  I was about to walk away when I heard Mac again, and I froze.

  “You’re seeing someone?”

  “Huh,” Olly grunted.

  “You seem happy,” Mac went on.

  “Are you a girly-girl suddenly, Mac?”

  I had to slap a hand over my mouth when I heard Olly’s exasperated voice.

  “Wh –”

  A loud crash cut Mac’s protest off, and then Olly muttered, “Gotta be out of your ever-fucking-loving mind if you think I’ll stand here and talk about my damned feelings with you. You’re gonna want me to braid your cutesy hair next?” There was another crash which was more of a thump, and then he went on, “Really? You’re seriously trying to shove me into the wall, Mac?”

  Mac said something but it sounded garbled, and then he flew out through the open door next to where I was standing. I stared at him as he rolled around in the dirt, and wondered if Olly really had just picked him off the ground and thrown him. Then Mac was on his feet and going back into the barn with what could only be described as a sudden death wish. I wondered if I should go inside to save Mac’s pretty face, or just ignore them.

  “They’re fighting?”

  I turned to Wilder who suddenly appeared next to me. She leaned forward and tried to peek into the barn, Snow was there too, and they both winced when another loud crash came from inside the big building.

  “Good,” Wilder said when I nodded and turned to walk away.

  “You’re leaving?” Snow asked calmly. “What if he kills Mac?”

  “Nah,” Wilder shrugged. “He won’t. I’ll go and help Nicky with dinner.”

  “Oh, God,” Snow muttered. “If Olly and Mac don’t kill each other then they’ll surely die from that dinner.”

  “Okay,” I said and tried to come up with something else to add since that was both weird and rude.

  I was saved by another loud crash and an angry shout which had Snow moving toward the barn.

  “Hey,” I said and pointed at the water hose hanging neatly on the wall next to the entrance. “You could probably use that?”

  The smile I got in response to my suggestion was infectious so I grinned at her and turned on the water as she moved into the barn. Loud roars followed in my wake as I walked away and I heard Snow squeal, although it quickly turned into laughter. She ran toward the house when I pushed the sliding door to my home open and I saw Domenico on the front porch, laughing at her soaked appearance. His eyes slid over me but then Wilder joined them on the porch and two wet men walked out of the barn. Mac was laughing, and Olly looked resigned.

  That evening I sat on my bed, listening to Olly and Wilder sparring in the ring downstairs. I wanted to peek but told myself I needed to stay away and answered messages instead. My family was huge on communication and we sent short snippets back and forth in group chats and individually. They were curious about Double H. All of them shared in various ways that they would come for a visit and I told them I’d kill them slowly if they did. My inbox filled up with smileys, but I knew they’d stay away. I had the next couple of days off so I told them I might visit my grandfather, and he promptly returned that he’d kill me if I didn’t, and how it wouldn’t be slow. Another round of smileys popped up on my screen and I missed them so much. Everything was so easy at home, and it would be sweet to go back to the safe haven they’d created for me. I leaned back and stared at the ceiling for a while, and decided that I would tell Olly everything that evening. Then I’d be away for a while to let the dust settle.

  When a squeaking sound indicated that Wilder was opening the door, I went to the top of the stairs and waited for her to leave.

  “Thanks for the training,” she said quietly.


  “Mac is such a wuss, can’t fight at all. I missed you.”

  I saw the gentle smile he gave her and how she swallowed when he did.

  “You’re heading out tonight?”

  “Nope,” he said.

  She didn't ask more questions. Then I heard the huge barn door slide shut and walked downstairs on legs that were a little wobbly.

  “Olly,” I said into the empty room.

  We only had half-baths next to our lofts and both used the showers downstairs, so I wasn’t surprised when I heard him rummaging around in there. Water was running, and I didn’t stop to question my decision. One last time, I promised myself as I silently flipped the lock. I’d give myself that, and then I’d talk to him.

  He didn’t move when I walked around the corner and our eyes met. I didn’t know what to say and the confidence I’d felt just seconds before vanished with every drop that ran down his gorgeous body. The lights were on and I stretched out a hand to turn them off, hoping I wouldn’t slip and crack my head in the darkness.

  “Nuh-huh,” he murmured and I froze.

  Then he slowly let his hand slide over his chest, and down his belly, and was he going to…?

  Yes. He was. Heat warmed my cheeks and he raised a brow when he saw it.

“Come here,” he said.

  “Okay,” I agreed breathlessly and joined him in the shower.

  “Why were you turning the lights off?” he asked as he let his hands slide up my sides.



  I hadn’t planned to tell him but I recognized the stubborn patience in his voice. His hands had also stopped moving, which I didn’t like at all.

  “Maybe I should start working out,” I mumbled and started kissing his chest, partly because I wanted to, but mostly to hide my face.

  “If you want to then yeah, it would be fun to train together,” he said and his hands moved down to cup my behind. “You start losing your curves then I’ll be pissed, though.”

  “You’re gorgeous,” I breathed.

  “Love that curve right here,” he said as if he hadn’t heard me, and slid his hand over my hip. “And here…”

  “You don’t mind?”

  “Mind what?”

  “I don’t exactly look like your cousin.”

  He jerked back and stared at me.

  “Yeah, honey, here’s a hint. You don’t want to talk about any member of my family when we’re naked.”

  I stared at him, but he kept talking.

  “But you brought her up, so let me tell you that I’d be scared shitless I’d break you in half if you looked like Snow.”


  “Or that you’d poke me in the eye with a rib.”

  I started smiling.

  “You’re strong, Annie, but you’re also soft, and sweet, and babe…” he paused and moved one of my hands downwards. “Does it feel like I mind?”

  It most certainly didn’t.

  “Okay,” I said.

  “Can’t believe you brought my damned cousin up,” he muttered, but he did it laughing.

  “Sorry,” I said but then he kissed me so I didn’t say much more.

  Much later, when we'd turned off the water, and were both sitting on the wet floor, I caught sight of my tee and panties. I’d thrown them in a pile, and they were soaked.

  “Shit,” I said.

  “No one will come, you can just walk upstairs and get –”

  Suddenly someone tried to open the door. The handle rattled and a loud annoyed voice growled, “Olly, what the hell?”

  Hawker Johns had arrived, and apparently not in a good mood.

  “What?” Olly called out and got up.

  I scooted backward and snatched my wet tee off the floor.

  “Open the goddamned door, boy. I’m not gonna stand here, shouting at you through it like a fucking moron,” Hawker snarled.

  “Give me a sec, and I’ll be –”

  “Open the door or I’ll kick it in.”

  Olly turned to me and I stared back at him as I adjusted my wet tee.

  “Go,” I mouthed and took a step to the side.

  If I were lucky, the angry man outside wouldn't go into the shower stalls so he wouldn't know I was hiding in there. It looked like Olly would protest but a loud thump on the door made him move quickly to unlock it and throw it open with a loud crash.

  “Hawker, what the hell?” he barked. “Whatever the fuck happened to privacy?”

  “Need to talk to you,” Hawker muttered.

  “Right this minute?”

  There was a pause and then Hawker said in a calmer voice, “You have a tat next to your –” Another pause, and then, “What the hell is it?”

  “Get your face away from my dick, Hawk,” Olly growled, and another voice cut in immediately.

  “That’d be a sentence I never expected to hear in my life.”


  I closed my eyes, knowing that if anyone could control the strange situation, it would be Hawker’s tall, calm second in command. It sounded like he was chuckling, though, and I felt an inappropriate desire to do just that myself.

  “Right. Olly, cover your naked glory. Hawk, let's wait outside.” There was a rasping sound and Miller added calmly, “Let's go, bud. You need to stop staring at Olly’s crotch.”

  “I’m not staring at his…”

  Their voices trailed off and I hoped it meant they were walking away. Olly leaned around the wall and grinned at me. I bugged my eyes out and repeated my earlier command.


  He wiggled his brows but when I made a shooing motion with my hands, he disappeared. I wrapped myself up in a couple of towels and sat down on the bench waiting for them to finish their conversation so I could skip upstairs and put something dry on. I also listened shamelessly on what was said outside.

  “Went to see your da this morning,” Hawker said.

  Olly didn’t respond to this, and I braced for what would come next.

  “He’s not doing too good,” Miller said gently. “You should probably come home.”

  “Okay,” Olly said.

  “Soon,” Hawker added.

  “Okay,” Olly repeated. There was a long silence and then he added, “I’ll leave first thing tomorrow.”

  There was another long silence, and I started to wonder if they’d left.

  “So,” Hawker drawled. “Mac says you’re seeing someone.”

  “I’m –”

  “I hadn't heard,” Miller cut in but it was clear that he totally had. “Anyone we know?”

  “No, but –”

  “Good for you,” Hawker said. “A little lovin’ goes a long –”

  “What the hell is wrong with everyone?” Olly growled. “Who I’m doing is none of your goddamn business.”

  Who he was what? Doing?

  I’d felt happy, but that feeling disappeared in a flash, and I swallowed.


  We’d never even been on a date. He’d asked me a few times to go with him to have a burger or just go for a ride together but I’d been afraid someone would see us and had come up with various excuses for why we couldn’t. Which meant that it was mostly my fault, but yeah. I was just someone he was… doing.

  “We didn’t –” Miller started but Olly had apparently had enough.

  “Let’s go,” he rumbled.

  I heard the sliding door open and how their voices faded away, and then the door was shut. I didn’t hesitate and ran up to my room on legs that were a little wobbly. It wasn’t late but I crawled into bed anyway. It would be good to leave for a few days, I decided. I’d get some distance to the whole situation I’d put myself in, and I needed time to think.

  I feigned sleep when Olly came up the stairs to my room, but it didn’t fool him at all.

  “Annie, I know you heard us,” he said quietly and sat down on the bed.

  I had my face turned away from him and didn’t reply because, yes, I’d heard them, and he knew it so what else was there to say?

  “Can we talk about it?”

  Apparently, he felt there was more to discuss.

  “No,” I muttered. “Don’t worry, I’m not angry.”

  “Thing is, I don’t know what else to tell them,” he said.

  I closed my eyes again and had no clue what to say. What were we doing, really? Were we just having a sordid, secret little adventure? I hadn’t meant for it to become that, and it wasn’t what I wanted but perhaps that’s what we’d ended up with.

  “Annie… Please?”

  I turned around and looked at him but since he hadn't turned on the light, I couldn't see his face clearly and he was mostly a huge shape next to me.

  “I don’t know what we’re doing,” I confessed.

  “As long as we’re sneaking around, then what you heard downstairs is what we have.”

  “There are things about me I haven’t told you,” I whispered.

  “I know,” he said calmly. “There are things you don’t know about me.”

  I waited a while but he didn’t elaborate, so I mumbled, “Okay.”

  “Okay,” he echoed. “Guess the question is if we want to talk about who w
e are.”

  “I do, Olly,” I said immediately. “I really do, and I’ve tried to find the courage, but you keep getting naked.”

  He made a hoarse sound that could have been laughter, but just as easily annoyance. Since I hadn’t actually meant for my words to be a joke, I assumed it was the latter. This seemed to be my cue to start sharing a few things about myself, but he spoke before I got a word out.

  “I have to go to Norton tomorrow, but when I’m back maybe we could talk?”

  “Okay, yes,” I agreed. “How long will you be gone?”

  “Don’t know. Da isn’t handling shit very well and I have to…”

  I waited and when he didn't continue, I sat up slowly.


  He sighed, and mumbled, “I don't know how to help him.” He moved a little and when I put a hand on his arm, he sighed, “This shit sucks.”

  “Do you want me to come with you?” I asked quietly.

  “You’d do that?”

  “Yes,” I said, knowing fully what I agreed to.

  “People will ask about it,” he said, apparently needing to make sure I knew what I knew.

  “I know,” I confirmed. “Though most won’t. I have two days off and was planning to go home, visit my family, so Andy already knows I’ll be away somewhere.”

  Olly made a small sound and I wondered if he was angry with me.

  “I don’t have to go with you,” I whispered. “I was just –”

  He cut in immediately.

  “Please, Annie. Come. I don't know what I'll find at home, but if Hawk drives nearly four hours to tell me things are bad, then they are not good.”

  “Okay. We’ll leave early?”



  There was another long silence, and then he asked softly, “Can I sleep here?”

  “Yes,” I answered immediately.

  Maybe I was just some girl he was doing, but maybe I was something else. It wasn’t a good time to tell him about the strangeness that was me right then, but we would talk and I hoped I’d find the right words to make him understand. Regardless of what might happen, I couldn't say no to the loneliness in his voice. He found comfort with me and I loved him, so I might be the biggest fool ever, but I held up the sheets and curled into his side.

  Chapter Five
